Meet Dr. Sean T. Cortopassi

Sean understands the challenges of living the Christian faith in the 21st Century. A man of faith and service, he has seen how the heartless pressures of modern life and the relentless demands of contemporary society can sear and unravel one’s faith.

His formal theological training and steadfast outlook on life give Sean credibility and applicable spiritual insight. His background allows him to relate to believers in a down-to-earth and impactful fashion.

Confronting the Spiritual Difficulties of Present-Day Christians

Dr. Sean T. Cortopassi is a nondenominational minister whose mission is to help the faithful meet the challenges of living as followers of the Way in the modern world. Among these challenges is being loyal to the Lord in a secularized world where the temptation to doubt and seek instant gratification is unprecedented.

Sean has served as a minister for the past five years. His academic training and practical experience give him a unique understanding of Christians and their path. He understands that, at times, it is hard to live one’s faith amid the complexities of our time.

What distinguishes Sean, however, is his gift of paring down and contextualizing complex theological concepts to a level that is accessible for implementing them in daily life. He aims to equip believers to grow and live their faith boldly.

New Book Coming Soon from Redemption Press

In his upcoming guidebook, Dr. Cortopassi explores the tensions Christians face when reconciling their faith with the challenges of modern life. This publication will be a spiritual compass to help believers draw closer to Jesus Christ in every aspect of their lives.

Need to Contact Sean?

Sean values your feedback and welcomes your questions. Please feel free to visit Sean’s contact page.

Sean firmly believes that all Christians can develop an authentic, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ no matter where they are in their journey.